Monthly Archives: August 2014

INTERNeX New Zealand: Introducing… Jeroen and Anke

Hi guys and girls,

We hope you are enjoying your stay in New Zealand, we sure are! We have arrived almost (not even) one week ago, and we thought it would be time to introduce ourselves.

We are the new interns of INTERNeX International Exchange in New Zealand.. But who are we really??


My name is Anke, and I am 22 years old. For 7/8 months I will be living and working in Auckland, this is all part of my education. I am studying International Leisure Management at the NHTV in Breda, which is in the south of Holland.

For the upcoming months I will make sure that you all have an even better time in New Zealand by keeping you up to date with the upcoming events and activities! I will even look for the best deals and discounts. I will put all these events, activities and deals on the facebook page of INTERNeX, everyone can join! What better way to spend your free time than meeting new people during great activities?? Exactly, there is no better way!

Okay.. Something about me. In the Netherlands I live in a very, very, very small village called Merselo. In this very, very, very small village I enjoy a sport called Korfbal (it is not really an international sport..), it is kind of something similar to basketball. In my free time I love going out with my friends, travelling, festivals and I am a bit of a movie and series addict….

So that’s me! Hope to meet all of you soon, and make some great memories!


anke profile pic



Kia ora! My name is Jeroen, quite a difficult Dutch name, you can pronounce it as the English equivalent Jerome! I am 21 years old and from the same study as Anke. I will also be in New Zealand for the upcoming 7/8 months!

Together with the INTERNeX team I will keep you up to date about all the cool stuff in and around Auckland and the rest of New Zealand and we will make your arrival and stay here as easy and comfortable as possible, without the loss of the adventurous feeling!

About myself: I love travel, nature, camping, photography and movies! So I guess you can say I came to the right place!

Jeroen profile pic

Looking forward meeting you all, cheers!